
京沪说唱传奇 Beijing vs Shanghai's legendary Hip Hop Rivalry

The Hip-Hop Rivalry between Beijing and Shanghai 京沪说唱


在Iron Mic中文说唱大赛的最初三年,来自北京的MC Webber虽然连续三年夺冠,但在比赛中他一直面临着上海rapper的强力竞争,其中最具实力的就是上海Bamboo Crew的Blakk Bubble,这两位元老级rapper在Iron Mic上的针锋相对后来也被传为佳话。在随后的Iron Mic历年比赛中,京沪之争的激烈程度甚至可以与90年代的甲A联赛相提并论,至今阴三儿的三位成员与上海的说唱歌手Tang King等人在Iron Mic上的比拼镜头依然是视频网站上点击与浏览量最多的桥段。

随着中文说唱的发展进入新的世代,北京和上海之间的比拼也翻开了新的一页。在2014年Iron Mic上海站比赛中,来自北京的Boom Xu以强有力的姿态开场,终于在半决赛中与卫冕冠军上海选手KC相遇,这也被认为是当晚最有人气和实力的两位选手之间的殊死较量。经过两轮可谓是多年以来Iron Mic上海站最激烈的battle之后,KC最终走到了决赛并成功卫冕上海冠军,而Boom Xu回到北京后也杀出重围拿到了北京的冠军,两人作为最出色的新一代中文说唱歌手的代表,双双进入了2014年的Iron Mic全国总决赛。

在2015年1月16日,Boom Xu和KC将再次在Limbo展开五轮Iron Mic全新规则的对抗,这也象征着新一代的京沪之间的说唱歌手们共同竞争进步的新篇章开始。

京沪说唱传奇 Beijing vs Shanghai's legendary Hip Hop Rivalry | 第1张

As the two most powerful metropolis in China, the all-round competition between Beijing and Shanghai never stops. In Chinese Hip-Hop culture, this eternal Beijing–Shanghai rivalry is the most exciting topic for hip-hop fans.

During the first 3 years of Iron Mic Chinese Rap Battle, Beijing's MC Webber won each time the national championship! Shanghai’s Black Bubble (Bamboo Crew) always being Webber’s strongest competitor and their rivalry is legendary. In the next years, the fierce battle between Beijing and Shanghai grew even stronger along with the infamous Guo’an –Shenhua competition in 90s China Football League. Till now, the battles between Beijing’s "In3" and Shanghainese rappers like "Tang King " are still the most viewed battle videos online.

After Chinese Hip-hop entered a whole new era in the 2010s, the Beijing–Shanghai rivalries turned a new page. At the 2014 Iron Mic Shanghai regional final,Boom Xu from Beijing conquered the crowds with his passionate stage performance and mic skills, clashing with the defending champion KC in the semi-final. This 2 round battle has been recognized as one of the closest battle in Iron Mic history, with KC winning with just a slight advantage and successfully maintaining his title. Boom Xu also entered the Iron Mic Nationalby winning the Iron Mic Beijing regional final later on.

On Jan 16th 2015, Boom Xu and KC will compete in Limbo once again under the new rules of Iron Mic battle, and define once for all who runsChinese Hip Hop!

京沪说唱传奇 Beijing vs Shanghai's legendary Hip Hop Rivalry | 第2张

BooM Xu

京沪说唱传奇 Beijing vs Shanghai's legendary Hip Hop Rivalry | 第3张


京沪说唱传奇 Beijing vs Shanghai's legendary Hip Hop Rivalry | 第4张


